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Tenue d'ouvrier du bâtiment


Annual "industrial and company first aid (4h)

Max 12pers.

Retraining allows rescuers to maintain their basic first aid knowledge and skills.


The rescuer is the first actor in the rescue chain in the workplace.

Retraining is once a year , unless the employer can prove that there is no need for retraining each year on the basis of the previous risk analysis and the recommendations of the prevention advisers-occupational doctors and of the commission. In this case, it can be recycled every two years.



4 hours minimum (legal framework of Book 1 of the Well-being at Work Code of April 28, 2017); also available in 6 hours.


Access conditions :

have a professional first aid certificate; be in order of retraining (retraining of 4 hours minimum annually or every two years on the basis of the risk analysis).


Validity :

the period of validity of the First Aid Certification is linked to annual refresher training (or biannual based on a risk analysis) of at least 4 hours. This certification is granted on a personal basis by CEOS-Safety, approved by the FPS Employment.


Type of training :

Intra-company training (on your premises): Contact our secretariat to plan this training on your premises. Number of participants: group of up to 12 people from the same organization


Price :

on demand




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